I got really interested in fitness when I was a student at the National Personal Training Institute in 2014. I was 24 when I was in school and left when I was 25. From then on, I was very passionate about health and helping others. Though, it wasn’t until I was 26 when I made a new year’s resolution on January 1st 2016 to really focus on myself and my body. I knew if I wanted to continue to help others that I needed to be in better shape. Within the year I had put on nearly 20lbs of solid muscle and increased incredible strength. All from lots of hard work and dedication. From then on, I have always been striving to be better and stronger in the gym. I love what I do; not only as a career, but also as a hobby of mine. It makes me feel superior. It makes me feel like I belong somewhere. Being in a gym setting is very comforting to me.
“I am also out in the fitness community. I have always been out since the day I started to promote my fitness and myself. I decided I didn’t want to hide this part about me. It even never ever did cross my mind.”
I knew I was gay when I was 14. I came out to some of my closest friends at the time but never my family. I was always so afraid to tell my family, because those are the last people that you want to disappoint. I ended up telling them when I was 19. It took me 5 years to fully come out. The day I told my mom was also a shock to me too. I didn’t realize I was going to do it, but it just naturally came out. Whether I knew my parents were going to approve or not, I knew this was something about me that I wasn’t going to hide forever. Because I was 100% certain that I was gay and that I was going to marry a girl someday. Knowing that not everyone might accept me for who I am wasn’t going to stop me from being who I am.
I am also out in the fitness community. I have always been out since the day I started to promote my fitness and myself. I decided I didn’t want to hide this part about me. It even never ever did cross my mind. I always had faith in myself that I was going to make it big someday. I knew I was going to have a platform that a bunch of people was going to look up to. Not just with my fitness but about who I am as a person. I want to inspire people in more ways than just fitness. To do that, I couldn’t be afraid to be myself, because I know there will always be negative and rude people regardless. I want to show others to also not be afraid to be themselves. True happiness comes from being able to express who you are. To accept yourself and love yourself.
There are lots of other fitness professionals who are out and open, and I think it’s awesome! The more the merrier! When I was younger, I admired Jillian Michaels. She used to be the badass trainer on The Biggest Loser. At the time, I actually didn’t even know she was gay. Ironic that she is and so am I.
My club is also very supportive of gay people; it’s not a tough environment for gay athletes. In fact, I think if you are gay in this field people actually admire you more. Also, the fitness environment has gotten better throughout the years: what once used to be a male dominated scene is now a place for everyone. I have trained quite a few transgendered people too. My arms are open to literally anyone who wants to be a part of the fitness world.
“The message I’d like to spread? Be you, be brave. You’ll play a better game or be better at what you do if you accept yourself and love yourself.”
I absolutely feel there’s an evolution going on. All sports are becoming more accepting and aware that every human around you has a different identity and status, and that it doesn’t matter who you are or what your sexual orientation is. The message I’d like to spread? Be you, be brave. You’ll play a better game or be better at what you do if you accept yourself and love yourself. It’ll carry over into all aspects of your life.
Follow Ashley Lynn’s journey on Instagram: @ashleylynnfit